Call or Text us any time 307-321-7477

214 4th st Rawlins wy 82301

Bail Bonds Service at its best

Bail Bondmen Serving Carbon County WY Including Rawlins WY, Saratoga WY, Encampment WY, Hanna and Medicine Bow Wy, Elk Mountain WY, and Baggs WY

Bail Bonds Issued in Carbon County Wy and All Carbon County Communities.

Unlocking your Freedom as fast as possible

Better Bonds LLC
Better bonds and Better service

Bail Bondsmen Serving Albany and Laramie Wy as well. Including Laramie Wyoming and Cheyenne Wyoming.

Bail Bonds Issued in all parts of Albany County Wy and Laramie County WY.

WORK WITH Better Bonds

Surety Bonds

Backed By Nationally Acclaimed AIA Surety

Collateral held Bonds

We take any size Bond Request and are proud to help you out with holding collateral to make sure the process goes smoothly

Credit cards taken

Don’t have the cash, we can take Cards to get you take care of,.